Processing Your Data Faster With Accounting Software

Accounting software is highly recommended for the people who are working in business area. As basic information, the software has the ability to record and also to process accounting transactions in the functional modules. Another function of the software is as accounting information system. Some companies have built their own accounting software. However, you can also buy the software from the third party. The software can also be the combination between the third party applications and local modification. There are various options available in different complexity and cost.There are many options of accounting software which you can choose according to your needs and desires. It is composed of various modules, including core modules and non core modules. The examples of core modules are accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, billing, sales order, and much more. The accounts receivable is the best software for entering the money received data. For the company who enters its bill and pays the money it owes, they should get accounts payable. You may also need general ledger as the company’s books. To control its inventory, you should get stock or inventory software.The non core modules are also available in many types. They are including debt collection, expense, payroll, electronic payment, timesheet, and much more. The debt collection helps the company to tracks the attempts to collect the overdue bills. The electronic payment will help you to processing. You also need reports software where the company will be able to print out the data.Before purchasing any accounting software, you should consider some important factors business. It needs to be done so you can find the appropriate software for your business operation. The main factor which should be considered is whether the software can be used easily or not. Accounting is complicated already. Your workers must not want software which is complicated to operate. Do not buy software which needs a long time to master it.Another aspect which you should consider is the flexibility of the software. It is better for you to check whether the software has modules which you can add later. A module will be added when your business grows is payroll accounting. Your accounting software should meet the bank support. If your software can download transactions from your bank, you can save more time.The next aspect of your accounting software which is important is online or desktop software. When you are using the online software, you will need internet browser. Just ensure that you run the safe internet browser. Online software is more convenient for accessing accounting data and records from multiple computers. You also need to consider the numbers of the people who use it. Some workers need to have full access to all functions but some only need the access to data entry areas. Before installing the full version software, you may try the free trial of the software.

How to Read Through a Political News Story’s Bias

There are complaints that Americans are terrible about staying informed. However, it is difficult when every major media site publishes US politics news that has a bias. It is important to read news articles without bias so Americans form their own opinion of current events. This is especially true when it comes to politics.Before committing to reading news articles from a certain media source, it is a good idea to research the reputation and history of the source. Look at how many ads are placed in a newspaper or website. If there are a large number, then the source is beholden to entities, such as special interest groups, local and federal governments, and corporations for funding.Sometimes certain news sources give an obvious slant on news stories, but the editorial work does not prescribe to that slant. Many reputable sources make a clear separation between news and editorial. The problem with editorial work is it also has an opinion, so it depends on how unbiased a reader wants to go.While reading news stories, readers should take notes throughout the article. Identifying who, what, when, where, how, and why will go a long way in differentiating bias. Make a note of any missing information or extra analysis. Discard extra analysis and further research missing information.A good exercise to perform when differentiating bias is to see if the reader could use the information to write a completely different news story. If possible, understand that the news story currently being read may not be concrete and accurate.Analyze the writer and figure out how he or she treats the people they are writing about. Often writers will use the word “claim” in place of explain for witnesses. This subconsciously implants negativity and doubt on the witness. This kind of language is meant to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view instead of the actual facts of the situation.The tone of the article is another indicator of the reader being forced into a certain way of thinking. All articles should give the reader a certain feeling, but it is important to differentiate between feelings that are natural and logical and feelings that are a false creation by the writer.If the feeling relates to the information given, for example a murder makes the reader sad, then it is an appropriate emotion. If the feeling relates to the writer’s opinion, for example a political party is scary, then it is being forced upon the reader.Look at the whole of the article and compare it to the situation. If there is a source, witness, or explanation that has obviously been ignored, then the article has bias. This holds true if the “why” part of the article is unclear, and if the article fails to present the position of one or more parties involved in the story.In sensational media, there is a term called buzzwords. These are vague phrases that are meant to incite a severe emotion in a reader without any real information. Investigate the article for undefined terms, such as Christian agenda or homosexual agenda. If a word gives the reader a strong feeling, perhaps it should be ignored and the information itself should be investigated.Sometimes the writer wants to pull the reader into a particular group. They may ask the reader to identify mentally with a certain group. Examples include regular guys, working class, concerned mothers, Christians, teens, intelligent people. The writer will label readers into these groups to encourage them to stop thinking for themselves.Statistics are often thrown around to encourage people to believe the facts because there are studies to back the information. However, readers need to analyze the statistics. Where did the statistics come from? Look at who collected the information and who funded the research. This can be a great indicator of specialty groups influencing news.

Is Team Training Effective at Healthcare Sites?

In the June 2016 issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology the authors Eduardo Salas, Lauren Benishek, Megan Gregory and Ashley Hughes in an article titled “Saving Lives: A Meta-Analysis of Team Training in Healthcare” set out to answer the question as to whether team training is effective in healthcare, whether it leads to reduced mortality and improved health outcomes.Their research stated that a preventable medical error occurs in one in every three hospital admissions and results in 98,000 deaths per year, a figure corroborated in To Err is Human. Teamwork errors through failure in communications accounts for 68.3% of these errors. Thus, effective team training is necessary to reduce errors in hospitals and ambulatory sites.The authors used a meta-analysis research method to determine whether there are effective training methods in the healthcare setting that can have a significant impact on medical errors, which would in turn improve outcomes and reduce costs by eliminating the costs associated with the errors. A meta-analysis is a broad research of existing literature to answer the research questions posed by the research team or authors.The research team posed three questions to answer:1. Is team training in healthcare effective?2. Under what conditions is healthcare team training effective?3. How does healthcare team training influence bottom-line organizational outcomes and patient outcomes?The team limited its meta-analysis to healthcare teams even though there is a great deal of research available about the effectiveness of team training in other industries and service organizations. The team believes that healthcare teams differ significantly from teams in other areas in as much that there can be much greater team fluidity in healthcare. That is, team membership is not always static, especially at sites such as hospitals and outpatient surgical centers. There are more handoffs at these sites.Although there is greater fluidity in team membership at healthcare sites, roles are well defined. For instance, a medical assistant’s role at a primary care site is well defined even though different MA’s may be working with one physician. These roles are further defined and limited by state licensure. As the research team stated in their article, “these features make healthcare team training a unique form of training that is likely to be developed and implemented differently than training in more traditional teams… “The team assessed their research of articles using Kirkpatrick’s model of training effectiveness, a widely used framework to evaluate team training. It consists of four areas of evaluation:1. Trainee reactions2. Learning3. Transfer4. ResultsReaction is the extent to which the trainee finds the instruction useful or the extent to which he enjoys it. Learning is defined as a relatively permanent change in knowledge, skills and abilities. The authors note that team training is not a hard skill, as learning to draw blood. Rather, it is a soft knowledge skill. Some researchers question whether it is possible to measure the acquisition of these soft team skills effectively. The team of authors effectively argue that it can.Transfer is the use of trained knowledge, skills and abilities at the work site. That is, can team training be effectively applied in the work setting? Results are the impacts of the training on patient health, the reduction of medical errors, the improved satisfaction of patients and a lowering of costs in providing care.In order to assure that the changes in these four areas were ‘real’ the team only used literature that had both pre-assessments and post-assessments to see if there were statistically significant changes in the four areas.Using this assessment rubric the team was able to answer the three questions that it posited. First, team training in healthcare is effective. Healthcare team training closely matches training in other industries and service organizations.Secondly, training is effective, surprisingly, regardless of training design and implementation, trainee characteristics and characteristics of the work environment. The use of multiple learning strategies versus a single training strategy does not matter. Simulations of a work environment are not necessary. Training can occur in a standard classroom.Training is effective for all staff members regardless of certification. Training of all clinical personnel as well as administrative staff is effective. Team training also is effective across all care settings.Lastly, the team’s meta-analysis shows that within the Kirkpatrick rubric team training is effective in producing the organizational goals of better care at lower costs with higher patient satisfaction. In the rubric trainee reactions are not nearly as important as learning and transfer in producing results. It is important that trainers use both pre-training assessments and post-training assessments to measure whether there learning of skills, knowledge and abilities were learned and whether these were transferred to the work site. Effectiveness of training should always be assessed in order that training programs can be consistently improved.